I have the most instinctual craving to be next to you. I don’t necessarily want to say anything, I just want to be by your side. I have yearned for the warmth of your body to keep me warm, and I look for you everywhere. I miss you. They say distance makes the heart grow fonder, but just how fond of you should I be?
I wake up every single day at a quarter past three. I look for you before I begin to toss and turn again. But there’s a place in my dreams that we will meet. I’ll see you soon, I convince myself.
Weeks go by before I can embrace you and become intoxicated by your scent again. Being in love with someone under these circumstances is not for the faint-hearted.
My love for you drives me. It drives me to keep on pushing for brighter days. To push for the days where I wake up to a loving message. To the days where I get to plan and execute a surprise for you without any outside commotion ruined our day. To the days where you share that you miss me or surprise me with lunch. I know that those days will come around again soon, and I love you enough to wait.
My patience has come from realizing what a gem you are. You are by far the most incredible, beautiful, passionate, and deserving person I have come across. All of the love that I try to shower you with doesn’t even amount to what I believe you deserve. If I could lasso the moon and bring it down for you, it still wouldn’t be enough.
You have taught me to believe and have made me feel alive. And although you have also taught me that everything has an expiration date, I know I’ll love you forever.