January Nelson
How Other People Would Describe You, According To Your MBTI Type
Decoding the essence of each MBTI personality type.
Dear Future Husband, I Want To Fall Asleep With You In My Arms
There is so much I want to tell you, a lot has been running through my head since I was waiting for you to come. I will never give up…
You Are My Home
I remember the first time I heard your voice. I can still remember telling you how soothing I found it, how much it calmed me. It still does, even though…
45 Signs That You Are Truly An INFP At Heart
1. You spend most of the time day dreaming rather than being in the reality. 2. You have a special artist that speaks your soul. 3. You have a weird taste…
An Open Letter To The Girl With A Broken Heart
Dear broken hearted, You are an amazing person. You’re one of a kind. You’ve heard this from guys before, but there is really something about you. Some je ne sais…