Kelsey Wilson

Don’t Date A Man Who Doesn’t Do The Work
Work can seem like such a negative word. Put that verb into the perspective of doing the work it takes to get something you immensely want. When you want to achieve…
No—Being Single is Not a Personality Trait
First, let’s start by defining what a personality trait is. Personality trait: the quality or state of being a person. Personal existence. I don’t know about you, but I know…
So Maybe I Want You To Miss Me
Missing you comes in waves, sometimes they drown me. Some days the waves of missing you are so strong it feels as if I’m being held down by high tides.…
I Lost Myself Trying To Love You
Trigger warning: domestic abuse Like that cloudy blue sunrise in the early morning, that’s when I think about you. When the light cast breaks through my window, disrupting my peaceful…
You Don’t Care About Me, You Just Care About Whether You Still Have Access To Me
My phone dings late in the afternoon as the day is heading into night. I check the screen as it lights up with your name. Immediately, I roll my eyes.…
I Didn’t Want To Let You Go—I Needed To
You know, when this moment came, I always thought I’d be so happy. Smiling from ear to ear, doing a little dance in my t-shirt and panties. Enjoying a power…
You Were A Good Man, You Just Weren’t Good To Me
You were a good man. Well, I wanted you to be. Honestly, it’s not to say that you aren’t a good man—truly, you are. You just weren’t a good man…
Be Kind—You Never Know What Someone Else Is Going Through
“Just be kind, you never know what someone else may be going through.” Absolutely such an underrated quote. There could not be any more truth in it. If you think…
You Don’t Deserve My Efforts Anymore
I just wanted to take care of you. I wanted to sweep your floors, wash your dishes, fold your laundry. I wanted to have you warm, home cooked meals ready for you…
This Is How You Know You’re Going To Be Just Fine
It comes in waves, so it’s confusing. You shove it down because you deserved better. You deserve better to this day. Even the shortest flashbacks set you back. Some only for a…