Nadine McGrath

If You Need Hope Right Now
Hey there, I don’t know who you are, where you are from. Before I start writing out the lyrics to a Backstreet Boys song let me just say: you are…
6 Reasons Why INFPs Are Total Badasses
When most people think of INFP – they think of some daydreaming unicorn. Honestly some people are downright rude in their description of the starry eyed healing types of the…
Dear Best Friend, Thank You For Leaving
Thank you for your friendship. Thank you for being there when other friends left me. Thank you for being there when I couldn’t put into words what I felt. Thank…
When She Breaks
When she breaks – you may get a glimpse of it. You may see it fleetingly in her gaze. She pulled the trigger and you reacted. So you send her…
This Is For The Girl In The Mirror
This isn’t a standard love letter. It’s not to the boy who broke your heart or the man who tore it apart. It’s not to your best friend who likes…