Personality Types
6 Reasons Why INFPs Are Total Badasses
When most people think of INFP – they think of some daydreaming unicorn. Honestly some people are downright rude in their description of the starry eyed healing types of the…
How Other People Would Describe You, According To Your MBTI Type
Decoding the essence of each MBTI personality type.
10 Things You’ll Always Catch An INFP Doing
INFPs are often secretive and quiet individuals. We put too much value on our privacy and silence that people perceive us as the mysterious type. You might even face a…
12 Reasons Why Everyone Should Have An ENFP Friend
Why the eternal optimists of the Myers-Briggs world make ride-or-die friends who’ll push you to dream bigger, and actually follow through their words with actions.
Read This If You Can’t Figure Out Your MBTI
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator has been criticized for being unreliable and not accepted by modern science and psychology. As a huge MBTI fan, the typology has benefitted me a lot.…
45 Signs That You Are Truly An INFP At Heart
1. You spend most of the time day dreaming rather than being in the reality. 2. You have a special artist that speaks your soul. 3. You have a weird taste…
Exactly What Makes Someone Fall For You, Based On Your Myers-Briggs Personality Type
ENTP Your intelligence. They love your visionary ideas for seeing what others couldn’t, your stimulating conversation that keeps them on their toes, your blunt honesty that goes straight to the…
If You’re Loved By An INFJ, You’re Lucky
INFJs are considered one of the more mercurial personalities among the 16 Myers-Briggs types. On first impression, they may appear to be stable, confident, and intelligent; but often it does…
18 Struggles Only Enneagram Type 4s Will Understand
Enneagram Type 3, often called “The Achiever” or “The Performer,” is characterized by a strong drive for success and extreme ambition.