Chris Abatzis

I’ve Finally Met A Real Man

I met a man who certainly makes my day

I met a man who’s more than willing to help out on complicated things

I met a man whose dedication to things that matter to him is mighty

I met a man who doesn’t complain when things and plans don’t go his way

But makes an incredible solution

I met a man who is a gentleman

Who behaves imperfectly but moves gently

I met a man who’s passionate

Who’s consistent in small projects

I met a man who thinks and plans for the future

And doesn’t let the day stop him

I met a man who pays so much attention to make sure

He won’t miss out on small amazing l things

I met a man who pushes and tests me to my limits

But never puts me in danger

I met a man who lets me be a Wonder Woman

But never leaves me fight alone

I met a man who’s excited about tomorrow

Talks about how his day went and much more excited to hear mine

I met a man who greets me and smiles at me

Genuinely early in the morning and tells me

How beautiful I am even when I’m at my ugliest

I met a man who’s mega selfless, who cares so much more than I do

More than I care about myself

I met a man who knows how to enjoy his life

Without compromising small happiness

I met a man who’s grown up, mature enough

Not to let drama in life consume him

I met a man who gets me back on track

Who wipes away my tears but makes me cry in heavens of joy

I met a man who acknowledges his fault

And never fails to say sorry when he knows he’s done something unpleasant

I met a man who’s supportive of and believes in me, my abilities and my capabilities

I met a man who challenges my strengths and improves my weaknesses

I met a man who never lets me down

I met a man who always has my back

I met a man who will cross the world and take long flights

Just to spend a weekend with me

I met a man who wouldn’t mind spending bucks just

To see me

I met a man who plays silly

But shows acts of bravery

I met a man who neither questions nor judges what I’ve done

And what I’ve been doing

I met a man who’s never ashamed to cry in front of me,

Tells his emotions and shows the real him

I met a man who not only accepts me for what I am

But also for what I’m not

I met a man whom I never thought existed

I met a man who’s perfectly imperfect

I met a man who doesn’t promise me the world

but does awesome things for the world to see me

I met a man who I can cry and laugh with

in all circumstances

I met a man who never forgets how my face looked like

on the first day we met

I met a man who I can travel with

I met a man who gives me the real definition of the word, sweetheart

I met a man whose happiness is to see me smile and happy every day

I met a man who steals my heart every single day

I met him one summer day close to the beach

And that man was once a stranger to me

and now, a man who’s half of my soul

I met a man and he is mine

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