To The One Who Got Away Too Soon
To the person who deposited trust into my mind, heart and body, thank you. It has been such a long time since I have woken up excited – not just…
Dear Best Friend, Thank You For Leaving
Thank you for your friendship. Thank you for being there when other friends left me. Thank you for being there when I couldn’t put into words what I felt. Thank…
15 Minimum Effort Self Care Tips For A Busy Day
1. Unplug from social media for an hour by putting your phone on airplane mode. Whether this is after work, or during your lunch hour, or an hour before going…
Read This If You Feel Like Giving Up
I know how it feels when you’re sitting in your room contemplating everything. There are days where you feel like you’re on the moon. Life’s good, work is good, friends…
My Vows To The Man I’ll Never Marry
You taught me how to love. You taught me how to forgive. You taught me it’s okay to be human. On various occasions I have told you that you have…
This Is What I Want You To Remember
I am pretty sure that my name is always written all over your body like notes. A day won’t pass that I am not in your thoughts. I know there’s…
10 Things You Realize When You Allow Yourself To Fall In Love Again
1. You are capable of love. Despite all odds, you can be warm and kind. You are worthy of love, too. You can be a partner to someone, an equal. You…
You Just Make Sense To Me
You make sense. In the same way that I know the sky is blue and that 2+2=4. That is how much you make sense to me. I have now had…
When She Breaks
When she breaks – you may get a glimpse of it. You may see it fleetingly in her gaze. She pulled the trigger and you reacted. So you send her…
10 Things My Anxiety Would Like To Apologize For Doing
1. Double, triple-texting. I am immensely sorry sometimes my attention span is nowhere to be found and I would like nothing more but to share the most random things ranging…