A Love Letter To My Best Friend’s Unborn Baby
Dear Baby S, You haven’t yet graced us with your presence, but I already know so much about you. I knew you were in there, growing in your mommy’s tummy,…
If You’re Wondering Why I Haven’t Written About You
It’s because you are real. Because I can reach out my hands and touch your skin and I don’t have to imagine — the way your eyes might light up…
5 Things To Try When You’re Battling Burn Out And Need To Give Your Mind A Break
Burn out. It’s a real thing and I’m very, very prone to it. I put my heart and soul into a lot of things that I do—especially when it comes…
This Is Your Reminder That Failure Is Part Of The Process
I used to crumble if I failed at something. Even the littlest things that I mess up on. Sometimes people would even tell me it doesn’t qualify as a failure,…
4 Ways To Take Control Of Your Thoughts When You’re Feeling Jealous
You know that feeling. You wake up on the wrong side of bed and just feel down for no apparent reason. After reluctantly getting ready, you hop onto Instagram and…
You Are My Home
I remember the first time I heard your voice. I can still remember telling you how soothing I found it, how much it calmed me. It still does, even though…
An Open Letter To The Love Of My Life
I found love and peace in you. I have to admit that it feels scary sometimes because I wonder if this feeling might be taken away from me. This feeling…
I Am Done Letting You Hurt Me
I’m done letting you hurt me. I’m walking away for good this time. You can apologize to me over text if you want, because you’re never going to see me…
Date A Man Who Writes You Love Letters
“I don’t write often, so don’t judge too hard,” the text message read. I opened up my email and there it was, waiting for me. My eyes could not read…
It Is Always The Right Time To Let Yourself Heal
Not every day is a good day. You will always have the bad ones – those days that will definitely get into your nerves, those moments that will truly break…